Meniscus Root Injury: A review
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 5 | Issue 2 | July-Dec 2020 | page:41-44 | Rajkumar S Amaravathi
Author: Rajkumar S Amaravathi [1]
[1] Department of Arthroscopy and Sports Injury,St John’s Medical College, Bangalore 560034, Karnataka
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Rajkumar S Amaravathi,
Professor Orthopedics,
Head Division of Arthroscopy and Sports Injury,St John’s Medical College, Bangalore 560034, Karnataka
The meniscus provides shock absorption and stability by generating circumferential stresses as load bearing occurs. This is because of the root attachments of the meniscus to the tibia, preventing meniscus extrusion and a subsequent alteration of the transmitted hoop .Meniscus root tears lead to an increase of peak tibiofemoral contact pressure and tibiofemoral contact area which has been shown to lead to altered biomechanics and an acceleration of degenerative changes of the knee. The treatment method for meniscus injuries now primarily is preservation and anatomic restoration, because non-operative and meniscectomy treatments are associated with poor clinical outcomes and progression to degenerative changes in the joint.
Keywords: Meniscus Root Injury.
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How to Cite this article: Amaravathi RS. Review of Meniscus Root Injury. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-December 2020;5(2):41-44. |
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