Barriers in social integration of post traumatic spinal cord injury patients

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 6 | Issue 1 |  Jan-Jun 2021 | page: 6-13 | Quamar Azam, Bhaskar Sarkar, Siddharth Dubey, Javed Khan, Siddharth Lamba

Author: Quamar Azam [1], Bhaskar Sarkar [1], Siddharth Dubey [2], Javed Khan [3], Siddharth Lamba [4]

[1] AIIMS, Rishikesh. MS(Ortho), India.
[2] SRMSIMS, Bareilly. MS(Orthopaedics), Barielly, India.
[3] Sharda hoispital. Barielly. MS(Orthopaedics), Bareilly, India.
[4] NIMS Medical college& Hospital, Jaipur. DNB(Orthopaedics), Jaipur ,India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Siddharth Lamba,
Assistant professor (Orthopaedic Department). NIMS Medical college & Hospital. Jaipur, India.


Study design: This was a cross-sectional follow-up study.
Objective: The objective of the study was to study barriers in social integration and community participation of post-traumatic spinal injury patients. Secondary objective is to suggest measures to enhance gainful community integration of these victims to lead better quality of life and productive to the society.
Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating event in one’s life and management of these patients is a challenge not only to treating physicians but also family and society related to patients. Absence of step-down facilities, non-existent insurance policy, lack/unavailability of qualitative assistive devices, and medical and rehabilitation services coupled with almost negligible financial support (disability allowance) from government are serious impediments in continuity of standard care.
Materials and Methods: A total of 141 patients who satisfied the inclusion criteria and survived beyond 1 year were included in our study and were assessed on parameters of economic independence, domestic life, physical independence, psychosocial, and spiritual support. A modified form of CHART score was also implemented to assess parameters.
Results: On comparison with Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique-SF parameters, each parameter showed a strong correlation with each other when Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was done. Age, level of education, employment status, and ASIA Impairment Scale showed a significant (P <0.01) when analyzed with parameters for rehabilitation assessment in our study.
Conclusion: Significant number of SCI patients remains neglected, largely deserted and non-productive to the society. Certain inexpensive and easy to implement recommendations can remove the impediments and offer them a quality of life they deserve.
Key words: Spinal cord injury, social integration, barrier, developing nation.


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How to Cite this article: Azam Q, Sarkar B, Dubey S, Khan J, Lamba S. Barriers in social integration of post traumatic spinal cord injury patients. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics Jan-Jun 2021;6(1):6-13.

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