
The Promise of Kinematic Alignment in TKA: Game-changer or Gimmick?

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 9 | Issue 2 |  July-December 2024 | page: 100-104 | Abhishek Nighot, Niharika Virkar


Submitted Date: 20 Aug 2024, Review Date: 05 Sep 2024, Accepted Date: 12 Sep 2024 & Published Date: 10 Dec 2024

Author: Abhishek Nighot [1], Niharika Virkar [2]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Unit, SAANVI Orthopaedics, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
[2] Department of Hand and Microsurgery, Pinnacle Hospital, Thane, Maharashtra, India.

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Abhishek Nighot,
Department of Orthopaedics, SICOT Fellow in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, SAANVI Orthopaedics, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


Introduction: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a proven solution for end-stage knee arthritis, yet traditional mechanical alignment (MA), which aims for a neutral mechanical axis, leaves up to 20% of patients dissatisfied postoperatively. Kinematic alignment (KA) has emerged as an alternative, focusing on restoring the patient’s native anatomy and joint line orientation, achieving balance without extensive soft-tissue releases.
Methods: This article examines the principles of KA and compares it with MA regarding safety, outcomes, and biomechanical balance through a literature review comprising various retrospective studies, randomized controlled trials, and systemic reviews. KA relies on the patient’s unique femoral morphology to guide bone cuts, achieving natural alignment and ligament balance. Evidence suggests that KA offers comparable if not superior, functional outcomes, with higher Oxford knee scores and forgotten joint scores while maintaining similar implant survivorship. Studies also show KA leads to better compartmental balance, reduced knee adduction moments, and more natural gait mechanics. The compartmental pressure alignment knee classification highlights KA’s ability to balance the knee across various lower limb phenotypes.
Conclusion: Although KA shows promise, challenges remain. Concerns about tibial varus have been addressed, with studies confirming no compromise in implant stability or survival. However, long-term data are needed to validate KA’s durability and define its role for specific patient groups.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of KA’s benefits and limitations, offering guidance for surgeons seeking evidence-based alignment strategies. It underscores KA’s potential as a personalized approach in TKA, bridging gaps in satisfaction and functional outcomes while maintaining safety.
Keywords: Kinematic alignment, mechanical alignment, arthroplasty, osteoarthritis.


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16. MacDessi SJ, Griffiths-Jones W, Harris IA, Bellemans J, Chen DB. Coronal plane alignment of the knee (CPAK) classification. Bone Joint J 2021;103-B:329-37.

How to Cite this article: Nighot A, Virkar N. The Promise of Kinematic Alignment in TKA: Game- Changer or Gimmick? Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-December 2024;9(2):100-104.

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Three dimensional (3D) printing in Orthopaedics: Scope of application and future perspectives

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 8 | Issue 2 |  Jul-Dec 2023 | page: 41-44 | Shubhranshu S Mohanty, Tushar Kadam, Sushant Srivastava


Authors: Shubhranshu S Mohanty [1], Tushar Kadam [1], Sushant Srivastava [2]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai-12, Hon Consultant, Jaslok, Nanavati & Shushrusha Hospitals, Mumbai, India.
[2] Department of Orthopaedics, Mata Gujri Memorial Medical College, Kishanganj, Bihar, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Shubhranshu S Mohanty,
Dept of Orthopaedics, #608, 6th Floor, MS Building, Seth GS Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital,
Parel, Mumbai-400012, India.



Three dimensional (3D) printing also known as additive manufacturing has the potential to change the paradigm of Orthopaedic practice. Modern times have witnessed exponential growth in 3D-printing technology as well as its uses. A wide spectrum of printers are now available, ranging from the desktop printer to high end manufacturing units. The ability to use a plethora of materials and create almost limitless geometric shapes with varying surface topography makes this method of production highly appealing. Certain inherent advantages include easy customizability, small production runs, less wastage of material, smaller footprint. Challenges such as lack of data, absence of established government regulations and cost considerations remain, but one can expect these to be overcome as the economy of scale plays out and the medical fraternity becomes more accommodating of the new technology.
Keywords: Three dimensional printing, Recent Advances, Arthroplasty, Spine, Tumor Implants


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How to Cite this article: Mohanty SS, Kadam T, Srivastava S. Three dimensional (3D) printing in Orthopaedics: Scope of application and future perspectives. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-December 2023;8(2):41-44.

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“ Shoulder Arthroplasty in Young ”

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 6 | Issue 1 |  Jan-Jun 2021 | page: 74-80 | Nagraj Shetty

Author: Nagraj Shetty [1]

[1] Consultant Arthroscopy, Shoulder, Knee preservation Surgeon Lilavati hospital Nanavati Superspeciality hospital Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, Mumbai, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Nagraj Shetty,
Orthopaedic Department, Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital, SV Road, Vile Parle west , Mumbai, India.


Background: Prosthetic shoulder replacement provides excellent pain relief and functional improvement for patients with shoulder arthritis. Total shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis and reverse shoulder arthroplasty for cuff tear arthropathy remains the gold standard for the geriatric patient population. Poor long-term survivorship, implant failure (glenoid component loosening, and glenoid arthrosis), and functional deterioration requiring early revision surgery are major concerns of similar management in younger patients. Young patients prove as a major challenge to shoulder surgeons due to expected longer life expectancy, desire to pursue sports, and active lifestyle thereby placing excessive demands on their shoulder arthroplasty components. Alternative strategies for arthroplasty in young have been developed; however, there is presently no clear consensus, recommendations to guide clinicians toward management. This manuscript reviews the current concepts of shoulder arthroplasty in young patients.
Keywords: Shoulder, arthritis, arthroplasty, glenoid, total shoulder arthroplasty


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24. Schoch B, Schleck C, Cofield RH, Sperling JW. Shoulder Arthroplasty in patients younger than 50 years: Minimum 20-year follow-up. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2015;24:705-10.
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26. Carroll RM, Izquierdo R, Vazquez M, Blaine TA, Levine WN, Bigliani LU. Conversion of painful hemiarthroplasty to total shoulder arthroplasty: Long-term results. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2004;13:599-603.
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29. Denard PJ, Raiss P, Sowa B, Walch G. Mid to long-term follow-up of total shoulder arthroplasty using a keeled glenoid in young adults with primary glenohumeral arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2017;26:1298-306.
30. Dillon MT, Inacio MC, Burke MF, Navarro RA, Yian EH. Shoulder Arthroplasty in patients 59 years of age and younger. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2013;22:1338-44.

31. Eichinger JK, Miller LR, Hartshorn T, Li X, Warner JJ, Higgins LD. Evaluation of satisfaction and durability after hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty in a cohort of patients aged 50 years or younger: An analysis of discordance of patient satisfaction and implant survival. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2016;25:72-80.
32. Krishnan SG, Reineck JR, Nowinski RJ, Harrison D, Burkhead WZ Humeral hemiarthroplasty with biologic resurfacing of the glenoid for glenohumeral arthritis. Surgical technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2008;90 Suppl 2:9-19.
33. Wirth MA. Humeral head arthroplasty and meniscal allograft resurfacing of the glenoid. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2009;91:1109-19.
34. Strauss EJ, Verma NN. The high failure rate of biologic resurfacing of the glenoid in young patients with glenohumeral arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2014;23:409-19.
35. Elhassan B, Ozbaydar M, Diller D, Higgins LD, Warner JJ. Soft-tissue resurfacing of the glenoid in the treatment of glenohumeral arthritis in active patients less than fifty years old. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2009;91:419-24.
36. Matsen FA 3rd, Bicknell RT, Lippitt SB. Shoulder arthroplasty: The socket perspective. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007;16 Suppl 5:S241-7.
37. Saltzman MD, Chamberlain AM, Mercer DM, Warme WJ, Bertelsen AL, Matsen FA 3rd. Shoulder hemiarthroplasty with concentric glenoid reaming in patients 55 years old or less. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2011;20:609-15.

38. Clinton J, Franta AK, Lenters TR, Mounce D, Matsen FA 3rd. Nonprosthetic glenoid arthroplasty with humeral hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty yield similar self-assessed outcomes in the management of comparable patients with glenohumeral arthritis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007;16:534-8.

How to Cite this article: Shetty N. “ Shoulder Arthroplasty in Young ”. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics Jan-Jun 2021;6(1):74-80.

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Peri-proshthetic Joint Infection

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 4 | Issue 2 |  July-Dec 2019 | page:45-50 | Dr. Shubhranshu S. Mohanty, Dr. Swapnil A. Keny

Author: Dr. Shubhranshu S . Mohanty [1], Dr. Swapnil A. Keny [1]

[1] Dept. of Orthopaedics, Seth GS Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Shubhranshu S. Mohanty,
Dept. of Orthopaedics, Seth GS Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.


Prosthetic joint infections in one of the most serious complication of Joint Arthroplasty. Over the years the understanding and management of PJI has evolved. The current review presents and overviews of the recent advances in the field
Keywords: Prosthetic joint infection, arthroplasty.


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How to Cite this article: Mohanty S S, Keny S A. Peri-proshthetic Joint Infection. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-Dec 2019;4(2):45-50.

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Prosthetic Joint Infection – How to Deal with it Rationally

Vol 2 | Issue 2 |  July – Dec 2017 | Page 11-15 | Shantanu Patil, Anshu Shekhar, Sachin Tapasvi

Authors: Shantanu Patil [1], Anshu Shekhar [2], Sachin Tapasvi [2].

[1] Department of Translational Medicine and Research, Kattankulathur Campus, SRM University, India.
[2] The Orthopedic Speciality Clinic, Pune, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr Shantanu Patil
Department of Translational Medicine and Research,
Kattankulathur Campus, SRM University, India


Prosthetic Joint Infection is a devastating complication both for the patient and the surgeon. It depends on many factors including patient factors, surgeon factors, surgery set up. The most important factor in management of PJI is to take care of all modifiable factors that can bring down the rate of infection. One of the critical steps is in prevention of surgical site infections and raising awareness among the surgeons and patients about the role of various screening procedures and avoiding indiscriminate antibiotic abuse. Management option includes one stage or two stage exchange arthroplasty, but the success rates are less than 90%. At times salvage surgeries like fusion, excision arthroplasty or amputation may also be needed. The present article overviews the prevention and management of PJI
Keywords: Prosthetic Joint Infection, arthroplasty, revision, salvage


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How to Cite this article: Patil S, Shekhar A, Tapasvi S. Prosthetic Joint Infection – How to deal with it Rationally. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-Dec 2017; 2(2):11-15

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