
Pre fixation compression screw as a cutting-edge technique for varus correction during proximal femoral nailing for intertrochanteric fractures: a study on 46 cases

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 5 | Issue 2 |  July-Dec 2020 | page: 6-12 | Mithun Shetty, Shashi Kumar M.S, Shree Krishnananda Sagar

Author: Mithun Shetty [1], Shashi Kumar M.S [1], Shree Krishnananda Sagar [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore 575004

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Shashi Kumar,
room no #707, resident hostel aj institute of medical sciences, kuntikana, mangalore 575004


Background: Achieving reduction prior to fixation is a key aspect in successfully managing intertrochanteric fractures. In this study of proximal femoral nailing for intertrochanteric fractures, a novel technique of utilizing prefixation compression screw was introduced to achieve and maintain reduction of femoral neck shaft angle.
Materials and Methods: The current prospective study was conducted over a period of six months between July 2018 and January 2019 among patients who underwent surgical fixation by PFN for intertrochanteric fractures of femur. Prefixation compression screw was used in all the cases to achieve and maintain correction of varus. Pre-operative, intra-operative and post- operative neck shaft angles were documented. Data was analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results were expressed as percentages and graphs.
Results: There is significant improvement in correction of varus (average increase of neck shaft angle =14.04 degrees) with the use of prefixation screw technique. This procedure did neither increase the blood loss (average blood loss = 34.67 ml) during the procedure nor the duration (average duration = 19.46 mins) of the procedure.
Conclusion: Prefixation compression screw can be used as an effective alternative for varus correction in cases of simple intertrochanteric fractures undergoing PFN fixation with added intra-op and post-op advantages compared to other methods of reduction.
Keywords: Intertrochanteric fractures,Proximal Femoral nailing, Prefixation screw, Varus correction


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How to Cite this article: Shetty M, Kumar M.S.S, Sagar SK.Pre fixation compression screw as a cutting-edge technique for varus correction during proximal femoral nailing for intertrochanteric fractures: a study on 46 cases. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-Dec 2020;5(2): 6-12.

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