The Bone Screw An industrious implant
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics | Vol 8 | Issue 2 | Jul-Dec 2023 | page: 35-40 | Anand Thakur
Authors: Anand Thakur [1]
[1] Formerly Hon. Consultant orthopaedic surgeon R N Cooper Hospital & Hon Professor of orthopaedics Seth G S Medical college Mumbai, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Anand Thakur,
D-1 Manusmruti 24-25 Relief Road, Santacruz west Mumbai 400054, India.
Objective: A bone screw is used for internal fixation more often any other implants. Thread of a screw is its most important part. It is akin to a long inclined plane or a wedge that gives it the power to convert an applied small torque to a large internal tensions along its axis to compress to surfaces together. Popular buttress thread has many drawbacks which are over come in a new design ‘Bone-Screw-Fastener’. It is also superior to conventional locking screw as it offers comparable stability and also generates compression at plate bone interface. Lagging is a technique that can be applied to virtually all types of screws to produce compression across the bone surfaces; exact technique and positioning of the screw in the center of the fracture fragment and at right angles to the fracture plane is mandatory for optimum results. Both bolt and screw are threaded fasteners with similar functions but different in detail.
Keywords: Bone-screw-fastner, Simple machine, Screw thread, Lag screw, Bolt, bone screw.
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How to Cite this article: Thakur A. The Bone Screw An industrious implant. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics July-December 2023;8(2):35-40. |
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